

Two people are sitting on a bench

Story: The bench

It was lunchtime, and Mary was walking through the old park, immersed in her thoughts. Even though the park was located in the city center, it was almost never crowded. For more than a hundred years, townspeople have come here to  rest from the bustle of the city under the shadows of old oaks, lindens, and maples. During the holidays, many people had picnics with their families, and in some magical way, there was always enough space for everyone in the park.

Mary was in a hard situation. On the one hand, she desperately needed money, but on the other, she didn’t want to be obliged to Frank. Mary was a beautiful woman – slim, blonde, with green eyes. At age twenty-five, she was very sexy and enjoyed increased attention among men. One of these men was Frank, in his mid-forties, bald, and quite unattractive.

To make matters worse, he was terribly dull and annoying. He showed constant signs of attention to Mary at work, but she tried to pretend that she did not notice them. Frank did not allow anything superfluous for which she could complain to the boss. But at the same time, he was always close and looked at Mary through the eyes of a hungry wolf. From her experience, Mary knew this type of look did not bode well, only further difficulties in communication because of false men’s expectations. So, she didn’t want to have any connections with Frank, but in her current conditions, it looks like she hasn’t a choice. Her mother needed an urgent operation, and the cost of conducting it was much more than Mary had. Unfortunately, she only had a few people who could help, and their help was not enough. She needed ten thousand more. Somehow, Frank learned about her problem and offered to add this sum. Mary guessed what Frank might expect for this help, and the thought made her sick.

She could not find a way out of this situation. It was a dead end. In desperation, tears rolled down from her eyes. It became unbearable to go. Mary sat on a wooden bench under a large old oak tree and burst into tears.

Suddenly she heard a voice. 

– Are you okay? Can I help you?

 Mary suddenly came to her senses and realized that an older man had already occupied the bench on which she sat.

How embarrassing. She thought to herself. I was so deeply in my thoughts that I completely lost touch with reality. How stupid it might look from the outside.

– I am sorry, I haven’t noticed that this bench was occupied – Mary told a stranger. 

– Don’t worry. Tell me, what happened to you? Why are you crying? 

Mary’s eyes were wet with tears, but she could already look closer at the older man. He was not tall, with thick gray hair and a neatly trimmed beard, gray eyes, a stocky build, and in a neat suit. From his appearance, it was impossible to understand who he could work before and what he is doing now. But his whole appearance subconsciously aroused confidence. 

– I don’t think my problems should bother you. Because you can’t help me.

– You may just tell me about them. Why carry this burden alone when you can share it? At worst, you will feel better. At best, I can give you life advice. By the way, my name is Charly Peterson.

– I am Mary, Mary Finley. I am working close to this place.

– Nice to meet you, Mary. Okay, I am ready to listen – said the older man and smiled.

Suddenly, without expecting it, Mary began to speak, and tears rolled down her cheeks again. She talked about the job and how difficult it was to get it, how she wanted to develop her career, about the pesky Frank who looks at her with hungry eyes, about her mother and the upcoming operation, about the money that she cannot raise in any way and about Frank’s proposal. She does not want to get involved with him, but she has no choice since the money is now needed. How bad she feels about the whole situation. The tears turned into loud sobs during her monologue, and her words became almost inaudible.

Charly patiently listened to the whole story and waited until Mary stopped crying. Finally, Mary said:

– I’m sorry I burden you. But it really made me feel better. Thank you. 

– I am happy that you feel relieved, and I am glad that I can help you not only with words. I will give you the required sum of money with one condition. 

It was something that Mary did not expect that a little-known man would lend such a large sum of money. There had to be a catch somewhere.

– What’s the condition?

– Ten years ago, I lost my wife and it hurt so badly that I was on the verge of committing suicide. In desperation, I left my house and moved towards the river, and my path went just through this park. Wholly immersed in my thoughts, I automatically sat down on the bench – where we are now. A woman, whom I didn’t know, was also sitting on it. I still remember her name – Lia Barker. She asked if I needed help, and I needed it more than ever. Our conversation changed my life forever. Thanks to her, I found new meanings in life. When I took leave of her, she took a promise from me. That someday, another traveler who will need help will sit on the same bench. And my task will be to help him, thereby returning my debt to her. I’ve never seen her again since that time, but I am willing to keep my promise to the end.

I will give you the money, and you don’t need to return it to me. However, you must keep the same promise as I hold. One day someone who needs help will be sitting on this bench, and you are obliged to help this person. It will be my condition. Do you agree or not?

The whole story sounded like a miracle, maybe it was. Mary could not believe that her insoluble problem could be so easily and unexpectedly solved. She agreed to this condition and was sure that she would fulfill it no matter what.

– I agree, and I promise that I fulfill my obligation despite everything.

– Okay, I believe what you said, Mary.

The man took out a checkbook from his pocket and wrote out a check for $10,000, then handed it to Mary and said:

– I wish you good luck with the operation and that your mother recovers as soon as possible.

 After that, he got up from the bench and slowly walked along the path, which turned sharply and disappeared behind the bushes. A few minutes later, Mary no longer saw him. It was all like a dream. Just an hour ago, she had been a victim of life’s drama – now she hoped everything would be fine. She, somehow, felt that the check was real and the money too. That the story told by a man was not just a story but a secret tradition, and now she is its bearer. She will keep her promise to Charly Peterson no matter how much time passes. 

A sudden gust of wind snatched the check from her hands and carried it under the bench. Mary had to quickly get up and go around her to grab the check before it was carried away with the wind. Suddenly, her gaze fell on a commemorative plate that was nailed to the back of the bench. The words were engraved on the stainless steel:

“Beloved mother, your path was to help others. And even after your death, your legacy lives on.

 Bench installed on funds Lia Barker in memory of Ava Barker.”

Mary smiled. 

– Thank you, Ava Barker, for your legacy. I’ll make sure it goes on.

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