



About Me

I am an immortal soul, a spiritual blogger sharing insights from deep journeys into the subconscious. A pathfinder, experimenter, and creator, I stand at the crossroads of past and future. I wear many roles and masks in the theater of life, full of emotions and variety. I am both a helper and someone who asks for help when needed. I’m a student and a teacher, a person who’s made mistakes and difficult choices, following my heart even when it goes against my mind. I embrace my masculine, feminine, and inner child. I am both a hermit and a lover of the stage.

In the end, I’m just a human being, full of contradictions, emotions, and my own life story.

Welcome to this space.

This is not an academic psychotherapeutic blog, but a playground where I explore ideas and methods from psychotherapy, spirituality, religion, philosophy, and other healing practices.